What Events am I Attending in 2023?
The list on the EVENTS page is up, but I expect to add to it, especially in October and November. This time of year is a pretty manic time for applying for festivals and fairs. Some have already closed their applications for next year, and others have yet to announce when their applications will open. So as each event says YES, I have to decide whether to do that or wait for a better response. 2023 looks to be a busy year. I have already said yes to the same number of events as I did in 2022. This year...
Plans for the New Year 2023
Hey all, It's the new year and a time we all get reminded to think about the future and our place in it. Do you make New Years Resolutions? Mine have been bubbling under the surface since last year, so not really tied to the new year but an ongoing project. This is an excellent time to get them into words. I am the kind of person who, if I make a public statement saying I am going to do something, then I am more likely to. By publishing my ideas and plans for the new year online, I'll be...
Limited online shop opening 4-8th January 2023
The next time I will open my website to orders will be the 4-8th January 2023. I aim to get all orders made and in the post by the end of the day, Monday the 16th of January. The shop will open up as it is, with the jewellery all on a made-to-order basis, with no additional products. I am busy updating the website's look and plan to open again in the spring with a new collection and some favourites from the stall added to the made-to-order selection. I am super excited to start making some new rings and share...
2022 Round-Up
Phew!!! What another crazy year that was. After all the craziness of the pandemic years, we have started getting ourselves back to some kind of norm. It's definitely different from before when I was trading in Camden Market. I think I have officially left there now, which seems crazy to me. I thought I would always be a Camden Market trader and die in some back ally of Camden Market, still hammering rings at 106 years old. Camden was and still is such a part of my soul, but I have left Camden for now. This year has been another...
Online Shop Opening in October for 3 Days Only - 1st - 3rd of October
The year has continued to be a great and crazy year. I have been working so hard at trying to keep up with making enough jewellery for all my events. My stock levels are really low at the moment and i am just about making enough each week to make my stall look half decent for the next event. I only have a few events in October and November, where i plan on a big catch up for my Christmas stall in December (to be finalised). I am still getting lots of messages and requests from customers to buy online,...