Shropshire RSS
First Summer Fair Done and Dusted - Wem
I have finished my first summer fair in Wem Shropshire. It was quite a nerve wracking affair, because it is my first event i have done since Deershed festival in 2016 (not including Camden or Telford, because these were more like shops and permanent positions). Before the day i spent so much time trying to work out what i would need and how i was going to set up. This fair was always going to be a experimental run, where my aim for the fair was to learn how i needed to set up, and what i needed...
Its official! - Opening from the 15th of April
I now have more information about our opening hours after lock down. Finally I can get back to doing what I do best. It is going to be really exciting to be able to catch-up with the other traders and the customers from the shop. It really breaks up the day been able to talk to like minded people at work. I am like many others out there, and struggle to really be productive whist working from home. You guys give me the inspiration and energy to go on. We are located in 'Something Different' in the Telford Centre next to Zara and...