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First Summer Fair Done and Dusted - Wem


I have finished my first summer fair in Wem Shropshire. It was quite a nerve wracking affair, because it is my first event i have done since Deershed festival in 2016 (not including Camden or Telford, because these were more like shops and permanent positions). Before the day i spent so much time trying to work out what i would need and how i was going to set up.   

This fair was always going to be a experimental run, where my aim for the fair was to learn how i needed to set up, and what i needed to do differently for my next event which is at Bellis Bros Garden Centre, Holt, nr Wrexham.

This is how my day went, I had a lot to learn!

The weather on Saturday was not very good for summer fairs, it was wellies and umbrellas weather from the moment my Gazebo was erected to the moment i took it down again.

When i arrived i had to but up my gazebo myself which was a real struggle as i seem to own the heaviest Gazebo on the planet (which will be great in bad weather), it took nearly 1 hour to get it up, finally figured it out with a little help. 

Working out my layout and display also took ages. I could not fit in my tables and display fabrics as i had planned, and had to go with a different set up. I did not use a lot of the fabric i had bought to replace my background i had in Telford, but was happier with the end result. But feel a bit bad about the £30 or so i had spent on fabrics recently, as i did not use them.

I also learnt the hard way about what i had forgotten to bring with me, i now have list of items not to forget the next time. Think display items, polish cloths, bags, wellies and most importantly food, i was starving by the time i left! 

Overall, i was very happy with how the day went. My stall look different to how i had expected, but actually i think i liked it better. I learn't a lot and next time set up should not take so long. 

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